Multidisciplinary team review of best practices for collection and handling of blood cultures to determine effective interventions for increasing the yield of true-positive bacteremia, reducing contamination, and eliminating false-positive central line-associated bloodstream infections
Garcia RA, Spitzer ED, Beaudry J, Beck C, Diblasi R, Gilleeny-Blabac M, Haugaard C, Heuschneider S, Kranz BP, McLean K, Morales KL, Owens S, Paciella ME, Torregrosa E
Am J Infect Control. 2015 Nov 1;43(11):1222-37.
Stony Brook University Hospital, Stony Brook, NY
- Skin, however, cannot be sterilized during antisepsis procedures because approximately 20% of bacteria are imbedded within deep layers of the epidermis and dermis.
- Blood cultures should be obtained prior to starting antibiotic therapy to optimize the recovery of pathogens.
- Estimated up to 50% of all blood cultures originate in the ED. Crowding in EDs is correlated with higher rates.
- Improper collection of blood cultures is associated with suboptimal treatment of patients, increased financial burdens, and potential over-reporting of CLABSI.
- Costs of a false positive blood culture range from $4500-$10,000.
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